Part of the new adventure in the west is taking time to do things that need catching up on, things that need starting, and even finishing a few things that have waited a very long time.
Thanks to both of our mothers, bins of family history have been gathered, some traveling from the west to the east and back to the west again. Some of these treasures have come from North Carolina via Connecticut then to St George, Utah waiting at least seven long years to be opened.
Well upon setting up this new home, a room has been designated for spreading out, sorting, and sharing of these family history items. Mary has started with two bins that came from Grandma Roa's home. What follows is just a sample of what this project looks like.
When we talk about bins, these are the kinds we mean. |
On the day Mary started, we grabbed a shot of the first small bin as it was spread onto the sorting table. |
In the beginning it was just an idea to get things in like piles. |
With some subjects needing more space than you would think. |
Remember, this table full is from one little bin. |
Taking time to read, ponder, and question is requiring this project to move slower than first thought. |
Some items have been sorted out of the mix and with much concern removed from the collection. |
As photos were sorted, some duplication was noted and sharing bags started. Some will travel to California to seek help in identification. |
As you can see, one table was not enough space, so the photos spilled over to a spare bed. |
Now some sorting of important papers and objects from a second bin is underway. |
Quick reading has provided a little time line and history of the Maxfield clan. |
Time has moved forward from December 2010 to March 2011 and the first two bins are still not finished. |
With two empty bins and more in from the garage, this project is not going to see a finish date in the near future. But it is started and progressing as rain, snow, and sleet keep Mary from her appointed shopping, walking, or hiking. The upcoming heat may also add to the time available for sorting, sharing, and filing away.
Some of you may even want to check this site out:FamilySearch |